Monday, August 24, 2020

Renewable Energy Consumption in the Future Research Paper

Sustainable power source Consumption in the Future - Research Paper Example At current utilization rates, we are left with 200 years of coal, 40 years of oil and 60 years of gas. Petroleum products, Nuclear, and hydroelectric force plants likewise represent a risk to the earth (Hargreaves, 2011). On the off chance that we are to address the issue of an unnatural weather change, achieved through carbon discharges, at that point we should utilize the correct vitality sources, and discard the waste delivered in our everyday lives in a viable way. The utilization of sun powered boards is driving inexhaustible elective vitality source utilized all inclusive. Sun based boards work by outfitting the radiation from the sun and changing over it to power. Its fundamental bit of leeway is the bottomless accessibility of the sun’s beams and broad openness over the globe. Be that as it may, gracefully can be variable and discontinuous, contingent upon climate conditions and time periods. These components would presumably underscore why the take-up of sun oriented boards has not been as across the board as would be normal. As indicated by the Pew Center on Global Climate change (2010), sun oriented force just delivers one percent of the vitality prerequisite of the entire world in 2008. As per the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2010), Americans produced roughly 2.3 million tons of waste, in the year 2009. 53% of that waste was dumped, 33.8% reused and 11.9% consumed. This would appear to demonstrate that lone a little part of waste really gets reused. As indicated by the grassroots reusing system (, a considerable lot of the items that we believe are reused are really â€Å"downcycled†. For instance, papers are transformed into low-esteem items like protection material and dairy animals bedding. The issue with this kind of waste administration framework is that it prompts the constant corruption of the earth, and consumption of common assets likes woods. A colossal piece of the waste is comprised by paper items , and in the event that we are not cautious how we hotspot for more paper materials, we could wind up cutting more trees, and hence further intensifying the nursery impact. The most ideal approach to accomplish the decrease of carbon discharges is by searching for better and progressively practical sustainable power sources and by using better reusing strategies. Upgraded Geothermal Systems This framework creates power by outfitting the warmth normally produced by the earth (Blodgett and Slack, 2009). To achieve this, you have to dive into a stone situated in a chilly region. The cracked system is then improved to make a bowl into which beneficial wells are going be penetrated in. Cold H2O is then spurted towards the wells, through the broke system, holding the warm temperature from the stone as streams into the stone. The final product is, steam is caught from the reemerging water, which is then used to control steam turbines. A while later, it is then diverted to the broke system to rehash the entire cycle. This strategy for power age produces zero carbon emanations and is right now being used at Copper Basin in Australia. Keen Grids A Smart Grid is a â€Å"computerized† power lattice. It includes including two-way advanced correspondence innovation gadgets to a power matrix (Williams et al, 2007). Each electronic gadget on the system can assemble information, through sensors, in addition to two-way advanced correspondence between the field and the utility’s arrange activity focus. This network would then be able to permit the administrator to change and control every individual gadget.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Set Up Classroom Learning Centers

The most effective method to Set Up Classroom Learning Centers Learning focuses are places where understudies can work in little gatherings inside the study hall. Inside these spaces, understudies work collaborativelyâ on ventures that you give, with the objective to achieve them in a dispensed measure of time. As each gathering finishes their assignments they move to the following place. Learning focuses give youngsters the chance to rehearse hands-on aptitudes while engaged with social communication. A few classes will have devoted spaces for learning focuses, while different educators who are in study halls that are littler and tight on space, may should be set up to make temporary learning habitats as needed. Typically, those that have chosen Learning Spaces, will have them situated in different spots around the border of the homeroom, or in little niches or nooks inside the learning space. The fundamental requirement for a learning community is a committed space where youngsters can work collaboratively.â Arrangement The primary part of making a learning place is to make sense of what aptitudes you need your understudies to learn or rehearse. When you realize what to concentrate on you can decide what number of focuses you will require. At that point you can get ready: The materials required for each middle and spot them into isolated envelopes or bins so they are prepared for the students.A rundown of rules and conduct desires to present to the understudies before the focuses begin.A sign for each inside so the understudies realize which focus to go to next.Clearly expressed bearings for each learning place. It is ideal to overlay the headings so when the last gathering gets to the inside it will at present be in one piece. Setting up the Classroom When you have arranged the learning place exercises now the time has come to set up your study hall. The manner in which you decide to set up your homeroom will rely on your study hall space and size. For the most part, the entirety of the accompanying tips should work with any class size. Gatherings should comprise of at least three understudies and limit of five understudies. This offers youngsters the chance to have the option to finish undertakings on schedule, and have the option to move around the study hall freely.Use all territories in the homeroom for focuses: Rugs, understanding zones, and even outside the study hall entryway. In the event that youre tight on space, you may aggregate work areas to make singular work zones. These are generally instances of a decent set-up on the off chance that you are showing understanding gatherings or completing a smaller than expected exercise while the understudies are taking an interest in centers.Organize the materials for every one of the learning habitats in containers, organizers or totes and spot them in the particular learning place space. This will guarantee that the entirety of the parts of the movement are composed. This likewise makes it simple for you to tidy up and store materials, particularly on the off cha nce that the exercises happen often. Assign every understudy to a gathering and focus, at that point have them pivot through focuses as booked. You can likewise appoint each gathering or focus a shading so the youngsters realize where to go to straightaway. Utilize a commencement clock to assist understudies with bettering deal with their time.â After each middle is finished, permit time for the understudies to put the inside materials back for the following gathering. Have a crate where the understudies put their finished focus work. This makes it simpler for you to have the entirety of the finished work in one spot. Introduction Set aside some effort to introduce the principles and headings for each learning community. It is significant that understudies comprehend the desires for each inside before releasing them all alone. Along these lines on the off chance that you are utilizing focus time to work with singular understudies you won't be intruded. Point out or genuinely carry the understudies to each middle while clarifying the directions.Show understudies where the bearings will be located.Show them the materials that they will use in each center.Explain in detail the reason for the movement they will be working on.Clearly clarify the conduct that is normal when working in little groups.For more youthful kids, pretend the conduct that is normal in the centers.Post the guidelines and conduct desires in a spot where understudies can allude to them.Tell the understudies the expression you will use to stand out enough to be noticed. Contingent on the age gathering, some more youthful understudies react to a chime or hand applauding as opposed to an expression.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

10 Tips on How to Study

10 Tips on How to Study EP 70: 10 Tips on How to Study EP 70: 10 Tips on How to Study Did you know that your attitude and how you approach studying can have a significant impact on your grade? Studying is not anyone’s idea of fun, but if you approach it with a positive mindset, that can make all the difference. Today on the show we are giving you 10 tips on how to study! Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Did you know that your attitude and how you approach studying can affect your grade? Now, studying is no ones idea of fun, but if you have the right mindset and you approach it in the right way, it can make all the difference. Today on The Homework Help Show, we are talking about how to study. Hi, guys. And welcome back to our channel. Cath Anne: [00:00:32] My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global. Here on the show, we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Now, before we jump into the content today, I wanted to remind you to hit that notification bell and make sure to subscribe to our channel. We have lots of amazing collaborations coming up for the fall and winter season and we dont want you to miss out on any of our great content. Make sure to also follow us on Instagram and Facebook so you can keep in the loop about Homework Help Global and all that we have to offer. OK. Lets jump in. Cath Anne: [00:01:17] Tip number one, make sure to get organized. Carry a small notebook and a planner with you at all times. Enter test assignments, events, projects right into your planner as soon as theyre assigned or as soon as you learn about them. Keeping organized will give you a heads up when it comes to studying. Cath Anne: [00:01:42] Tip number two, create a study environment that you enjoy. Now, Ive mentioned this in a few of our other videos, but let me talk about it again because I think it is really important. Create a study environment that motivates you to study. You want to feel inspired when you sit down to study. So this might mean setting the mood with some music, some low fi study music. Maybe you light a candle, maybe you put on your diffuser or sitting in a comfortable chair. In essence, you want to motivate yourself to study because studying is a difficult task. You want to be able to enjoy it as much as possible. Another suggestion is to decorate with art that really inspires you or create a vision board so that it can remind you of your long term goals when youre in the slog of studying for that big exam. Cath Anne: [00:02:40] Tip number three. Use strategies like the Pomodoro Method. Now, this is one of my favorite study methods. And again, Ive mentioned it a few times. But lets go over it. I think it can be really helpful, especially in October, November, when things are ramping up and youre studying for exams. So the Pomodoro Method is essentially youve set an alarm for twenty minutes. Sit down. Work, work, work, study, study, study. Then take a five minute break once the alarm goes off. After your five minute break, reset your alarm for another twenty five minutes and so on until you have completed one hour of study. Once you have completed your hour of study, then take a longer break. Take a 25 to 30 minute break. Get up, walk around, do some yoga, have a snack. Once youve completed your long break, go right back in and complete your twenty five minutes. Again, working in these twenty five minute increments has been shown to increase motivation and productivity. Cath Anne: [00:03:50] Tip number four, pay attention in class. Paying attention in class is essential to absorb all the information. Practice active listening and write notes in your own words so that youll retain them when you return home and study, avoid distractions at all costs. Put away your phone. Turn off your computer and make sure that no ones chatting around you. All of these distractions can lead to a failure to retain information. Now that was about pay attention in class. Cath Anne: [00:04:25] Tip number five, avoid distractions at all costs. Distractions are everywhere. As I mentioned there on our cell phones or on our computers, there are around us with our friends talking. If you are sitting near people who are talking all the time or chatting, consider moving. This is definitely going to affect your ability to learn and your ability to remember information for the exams and studying in the future. Cath Anne: [00:04:53] Tip number six, make sure your notes are complete. Writing clear, complete notes will make all the difference when it comes to studying. Writing clear, concise notes is going to help you to process the information that youre learning in the classroom. Write your notes in your own words. So when you go away and try to study when youre home, it will be easier for you to understand and for you to process. If you do miss a class or you have an appointment, make sure that you connect with the teacher or another student so that they can help you to fill out your notes and let you know of anything that you missed. Writing clear, concise notes and having a specific area for them will make all the difference when it comes to study time. Cath Anne: [00:05:45] Tip number seven, make use of practice exams. You know those tests at the end of a text book or the chapter of a textbook. Have you ever done them well? Those are there for a reason. Those are there to help you understand how much you know and how much more you need to study. Make use of those practice exams. Although those practice exams might not be exactly what your teacher will be asking you on the test, it will give you a good sense of what you already know and what more you have to study. It is a great prep for your future exam. Cath Anne: [00:06:29] Tip number eight, have a notebook there beside you while you are studying. Having a notebook on your desk while youre studying is very important. While youll be making notes in your binder or in your textbook. Have a notebook beside you to make note of any questions or concerns that come up while youre studying. In this way, youll be able to take your notebook to your teacher and ask them specific questions. This will help you to remember to speak to your teacher and ask them all of the specific questions that you had during your study time. Cath Anne: [00:07:08] Tip number nine, raise your hand and ask a question if you have one. Were all familiar with those review classes where the professor goes over everything thats going to be on the exam. Make sure that you take advantage of this time and raise your hand if you have a question. Now, if youre too shy to raise your hand, make a note in your little notebook to remind yourself to go speak to your professor after class. Theyll be happy to answer. Cath Anne: [00:07:38] Tip number ten for studying. Make a study, plan or schedule. Look through your course material and decide what needs to be studied. What are the questions that are going to be on the test? What types of questions and what information do you need to know? What chapters do you need to focus on? All of this information will help you to plan a specific study schedule. Decide how long you will need to study and set goals for yourself during each study session. This will help to keep your studying organized and on track so youll be prepared for that next exam. Cath Anne: [00:08:18] Okay, guys, so that is it for me this week. I hope this episode was of benefit to you. And good luck on those exams, as always. We always love to hear from you. So make sure to jump into the comments section below and let us know how youre making out with your midterms or your upcoming exams. If youd like to get in touch with us on social media, all of our information is linked and listed in the description box below. You can connect with us on all of the social media platforms. And if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel so you dont miss out on any of our other content. Thank you guys so much for joining me. I hope you are doing so well in your exams. Talk soon and take care. 10 Tips on How to Study EP 70: 10 Tips on How to Study EP 70: 10 Tips on How to Study Did you know that your attitude and how you approach studying can have a significant impact on your grade? Studying is not anyone’s idea of fun, but if you approach it with a positive mindset, that can make all the difference. Today on the show we are giving you 10 tips on how to study! Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Did you know that your attitude and how you approach studying can affect your grade? Now, studying is no ones idea of fun, but if you have the right mindset and you approach it in the right way, it can make all the difference. Today on The Homework Help Show, we are talking about how to study. Hi, guys. And welcome back to our channel. Cath Anne: [00:00:32] My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global. Here on the show, we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Now, before we jump into the content today, I wanted to remind you to hit that notification bell and make sure to subscribe to our channel. We have lots of amazing collaborations coming up for the fall and winter season and we dont want you to miss out on any of our great content. Make sure to also follow us on Instagram and Facebook so you can keep in the loop about Homework Help Global and all that we have to offer. OK. Lets jump in. Cath Anne: [00:01:17] Tip number one, make sure to get organized. Carry a small notebook and a planner with you at all times. Enter test assignments, events, projects right into your planner as soon as theyre assigned or as soon as you learn about them. Keeping organized will give you a heads up when it comes to studying. Cath Anne: [00:01:42] Tip number two, create a study environment that you enjoy. Now, Ive mentioned this in a few of our other videos, but let me talk about it again because I think it is really important. Create a study environment that motivates you to study. You want to feel inspired when you sit down to study. So this might mean setting the mood with some music, some low fi study music. Maybe you light a candle, maybe you put on your diffuser or sitting in a comfortable chair. In essence, you want to motivate yourself to study because studying is a difficult task. You want to be able to enjoy it as much as possible. Another suggestion is to decorate with art that really inspires you or create a vision board so that it can remind you of your long term goals when youre in the slog of studying for that big exam. Cath Anne: [00:02:40] Tip number three. Use strategies like the Pomodoro Method. Now, this is one of my favorite study methods. And again, Ive mentioned it a few times. But lets go over it. I think it can be really helpful, especially in October, November, when things are ramping up and youre studying for exams. So the Pomodoro Method is essentially youve set an alarm for twenty minutes. Sit down. Work, work, work, study, study, study. Then take a five minute break once the alarm goes off. After your five minute break, reset your alarm for another twenty five minutes and so on until you have completed one hour of study. Once you have completed your hour of study, then take a longer break. Take a 25 to 30 minute break. Get up, walk around, do some yoga, have a snack. Once youve completed your long break, go right back in and complete your twenty five minutes. Again, working in these twenty five minute increments has been shown to increase motivation and productivity. Cath Anne: [00:03:50] Tip number four, pay attention in class. Paying attention in class is essential to absorb all the information. Practice active listening and write notes in your own words so that youll retain them when you return home and study, avoid distractions at all costs. Put away your phone. Turn off your computer and make sure that no ones chatting around you. All of these distractions can lead to a failure to retain information. Now that was about pay attention in class. Cath Anne: [00:04:25] Tip number five, avoid distractions at all costs. Distractions are everywhere. As I mentioned there on our cell phones or on our computers, there are around us with our friends talking. If you are sitting near people who are talking all the time or chatting, consider moving. This is definitely going to affect your ability to learn and your ability to remember information for the exams and studying in the future. Cath Anne: [00:04:53] Tip number six, make sure your notes are complete. Writing clear, complete notes will make all the difference when it comes to studying. Writing clear, concise notes is going to help you to process the information that youre learning in the classroom. Write your notes in your own words. So when you go away and try to study when youre home, it will be easier for you to understand and for you to process. If you do miss a class or you have an appointment, make sure that you connect with the teacher or another student so that they can help you to fill out your notes and let you know of anything that you missed. Writing clear, concise notes and having a specific area for them will make all the difference when it comes to study time. Cath Anne: [00:05:45] Tip number seven, make use of practice exams. You know those tests at the end of a text book or the chapter of a textbook. Have you ever done them well? Those are there for a reason. Those are there to help you understand how much you know and how much more you need to study. Make use of those practice exams. Although those practice exams might not be exactly what your teacher will be asking you on the test, it will give you a good sense of what you already know and what more you have to study. It is a great prep for your future exam. Cath Anne: [00:06:29] Tip number eight, have a notebook there beside you while you are studying. Having a notebook on your desk while youre studying is very important. While youll be making notes in your binder or in your textbook. Have a notebook beside you to make note of any questions or concerns that come up while youre studying. In this way, youll be able to take your notebook to your teacher and ask them specific questions. This will help you to remember to speak to your teacher and ask them all of the specific questions that you had during your study time. Cath Anne: [00:07:08] Tip number nine, raise your hand and ask a question if you have one. Were all familiar with those review classes where the professor goes over everything thats going to be on the exam. Make sure that you take advantage of this time and raise your hand if you have a question. Now, if youre too shy to raise your hand, make a note in your little notebook to remind yourself to go speak to your professor after class. Theyll be happy to answer. Cath Anne: [00:07:38] Tip number ten for studying. Make a study, plan or schedule. Look through your course material and decide what needs to be studied. What are the questions that are going to be on the test? What types of questions and what information do you need to know? What chapters do you need to focus on? All of this information will help you to plan a specific study schedule. Decide how long you will need to study and set goals for yourself during each study session. This will help to keep your studying organized and on track so youll be prepared for that next exam. Cath Anne: [00:08:18] Okay, guys, so that is it for me this week. I hope this episode was of benefit to you. And good luck on those exams, as always. We always love to hear from you. So make sure to jump into the comments section below and let us know how youre making out with your midterms or your upcoming exams. If youd like to get in touch with us on social media, all of our information is linked and listed in the description box below. You can connect with us on all of the social media platforms. And if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel so you dont miss out on any of our other content. Thank you guys so much for joining me. I hope you are doing so well in your exams. Talk soon and take care.

Friday, May 22, 2020

A Study On Brain Atlases - 3056 Words

1. ABSTRACT A region of embryonic rat brain was digitally photographed with an Olympus BX40 Microscope equipped with a 10MP (MU1000) video camera using four different objectives (4x, 10x, 20x, 40x). The different objectives were used to analyze the value of different resolutions in balancing the amount of work needed to make the pictures with the worth (or information value) of the image when using Photoshop (version 12.0). The images captured were montaged and arranged into series. This information will be used in preparation of a digital microscopic atlas of different aged embryonic rat brains. 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1. Brain Atlases in General An atlas of a brain can help locate specific structures, as well as give an understanding to size and structure of a brain. A brain atlas can be widely used in neuroscience research and education. In neuroscience, brain atlases are just as important as a map is in geography, and they can be accessed worldwide (Bakker, et al., 2015). Although no two brains are identical, it is important to refer to a multitude of atlases while studying a brain. Structures that may not be exactly the same in two brains include: cytoarchitecture, chemoarchitecture, blood flow distributions, metabolic rates, behavioral and pathologic correlates and a multitude of other structures (Mazziotta, et al., 1995). A brain atlas can differ from brain to brain, which may be a result of evolution, maturation, and/or abnormalities. Brain atlasesShow MoreRelatedExamining The Functional Connectivity Of A Whole Brain Atlas1722 Words   |  7 PagesBackground: The brain is often considered the most complex organ in the human body. It is also the most difficult to understand, given the vast array of different functions spread throughout its mass and the interconnected functionality of its regions that makes subdividing it based on form or function a difficult task. Craddock, et al. (2012), in the article examined, attempt to produce a method for further examining the functional connectivity (FC) of the regions of the brain and subdivide themRead MoreIntegrating Histology And Mri On The First Digital Brain Of Common Squirrel Monkey2812 Words   |  12 PagesIntegrating histology and MRI in the first digital brain of common squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus Peizhen Suna, Prasanna Parvathanenia, Kurt G. Schillingb,c, Yurui Gaob,c, Vaibhav Janve b,c, Adam Andersonb,c, Bennett A. Landman*,a,b,c,d aElectrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN USA, bBiomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN USA, cInstitute of Image Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN USA, dComputer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TNRead MoreResearch Resources Essay1343 Words   |  6 Pagesby college and university science students Social Studies American History Online: find sources from historical digital collections Anthropological Index Online: includes general search of 4,000 periodicals held in both The British Museum Anthropology Library as well as Royal Anthropological Institute films Anthropology Review Database: access to anthropology reviews, look up publishers, and find resources available for review Behavioral Brain Science Archive: International journal of currentRead MoreComputer Aided Diagnosis Systems For Infectious Diseases Essay1998 Words   |  8 PagesDr. Bagci has published numerous studies in informatics of radiology spanning from development of computer aided diagnosis systems for infectious diseases to general image analysis techniques in MRI, CT, PET, and histology images, and development of image enhancement and reconstruction methods both in clinical, pre-clinical, and technical fields [11-65]. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

Philippi A City of Immeasurable Significance - 2218 Words

Philippi: A City of Immeasurable Significance Philippi is a city rich in ancient history, and is possibly the most important archeological site of the great plain of eastern Macedonia.? The ancient town has seen the fate of the West played out within its borders on several occasions and majestic ruins left from the town?s extraordinary history testify to the great civilizations that have inhabited the region.? Philippi is most famous for two reasons: it was the scene of one of the most decisive battles in history, and it was the first European city to accept Christianity (Willett). Located in the Northeast crescent of Greece, Philippi sits about nine miles north of the shore in the province of Macedonia, and lies within the†¦show more content†¦The rest of the Republican forces capitulated, and Philippi came under the yoke of the Romans in October of 42 B.C.? Although Rome?s destiny was sealed by the victory of Octavian (who regained control of his forces) and Mark Antony over the Republicans Brutus and Cassius, the stage was set for the inevitable conflict between these two winners.? The battle for ultimate control dragged on for eleven years and ended with Antony?s defeat at Actium.? Continuing the trend, he committed suicide in Egypt, leaving Octavian (later Augustus) as the undisputed ruler of Rome (Willett). Afterward, war veterans settled in the region and it received the status of a Roman colony, meaning that henceforth, its inhabitants enjoyed the same rights as Roman citizens in Italy.? Those rights included immunity from taxation, the right to own and sell property, and the right of civil action.? At the same time, Latin became the official language.? Because of Philippi?s fortunate position on the Via Egnatia trade route, the city enjoyed considerable prosperity that peaked in second century A.D. (Neosguide). Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles The city of Neopolis (modern Kav#6945;), the port closest to Philippi, was the European landing point for travelers from the Orient.? It was here that St. Paul landed in 49 A.D. to embark on his mission of converting the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Of Mice and Men Controlled Assessment Draft Free Essays

Of Mice and Men is an American novel written by John Steinbeck about two itinerant workers who move from place to place. One itinerant worker named George is a small, smart, caring worker. While on the contrary the other itinerant worker name Lennie is a huge, clumsy, naive character. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Mice and Men Controlled Assessment Draft or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story is set in a remote place a few miles south of Soledad. The south is usually the best place to live due to the climate of the area. Soledad is the Spanish word for loneliness and solitary. The two itinerant workers pursue their dream of getting their own farm. During their journey George and Lennie encounter many difficulties along the way. It was not uncommon for itinerant workers to suffer from loneliness, isolation and alienation. These three terms are the terms that will be explained in my essay. Dreams are another main factor in this book. George and Lennie have a dream that is the cornerstone of this book. Their dream is that they will â€Å"live of the fatta the lan’†. This quote is a reference to the American Dream. In this case, the fat is a good thing and fat has many properties and is usually the tastiest part of food, they also said that they will live of the fat. This means that the fat is in abundance. The American dream which says you get what you deserve if you work very hard. The American Dream is almost a capitalist dream. Loneliness is defined to be someone who is sad and/or be companionless. Characters such as George, Lennie, Candy and Curley’s wife all suffer from loneliness. George is lonely mainly because he is an itinerant worker which means he doesn’t stay anywhere for long. George even confesses his loneliness by saying â€Å"Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. † This is when George talks to Lennie beside the river. Lennie is another character that is caught in the trap of loneliness because of his disability and the fact that he always getting into trouble. Candy is lonely as he only has his dog which eventually dies. Finally, Curley’s wife is lonely as her wife Curley does not give her the attention she wants. Isolation means to separate or to force apart. â€Å"†¦ he limb is worn smooth by men who have sat on it†. Already, in the first paragraph we can see the relationship between man and nature is not the best. Man seems to be destroying nature’s work. The characters that suffer from isolation are the likes of Crooks and Curley’s wife. Alienation is term that is described to a person who is being withdrawn from the world or withdraws them self from the outside world. People often feel alienated as they are being shown disaffection by others. The favourites of Crooks and Curley’s wife suffer from alienation. Crooks suffers from alienation as he is the only black person on the ranch, while Curley’s wife suffers from alienation as she is called names like â€Å"jailbait† (from George) as she is always looking for a man and is unfaithful to her husband – Curley. The very first bit of knowledge we know about George is explained in this quote â€Å"The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. The first person/people in something are always the more dominant person as explained in this quote. â€Å"†¦ restless eyes†¦ tells us that he is also a very alert man. Later in the book George also confesses his loneliness to the other ranchers. The other ranchers generally don’t like confessing their own loneliness to others. Quotes like . George is a very father like figure to Lennie, to comfort Lennie he usually says (in this case about Curley) â€Å"you keep away from Curley†. George promised Lennieâ₠¬â„¢s Aunt Carla that he will look after Lennie like a father after she dies. â€Å"One side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the strong †¦ Gablian Mountains. This quote explains the qualities of the two itinerant workers. The quote is saying that George is strong mentally and physically. â€Å"God, you’re a lot of trouble †¦ I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail. † George often loses his temper with Lennie. He knows that he is mentally stronger than Lennie meaning that he can do whatever he wants by himself but Lennie always restrains him. Crooks is a character in the book that gets quite a lot of stick from the other ranch workers. The type of loneliness he suffers from alienation. The two main reasons Crooks is alienated is because he is black and he is also disabled. The other ranchers use derogative terms like â€Å"nigger† and â€Å"stable buck† as a reference to Crooks. In those times they thought that it was alright to call black people any name that they desire. The book describes Crooks’ appearance as â€Å"his body was bent to the left by his crooked spine†. Since the Abrahamic religions started, the side to your left was considered ‘dirty’ so, Steinbeck can use this for a reason for the other ranchers to hate Crooks as they will probably consider him ‘dirty’. As Crooks spends a lot of time by himself, he has the privilege of keeping more prized possessions than the other ranchers as explained in the quote â€Å"he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a mauled copy of the California civil code for 1905†. You could say that Crooks was quite lucky as he had many possessions unlike all the ranchers as all they owned was a small apple box. Crooks is always the one being picked on; for example one Christmas when all the other ranchers where trying to pick a fight with Crooks. Candy is another character in the book that is disabled. He is also one of the loneliest characters in the book. All Candy has is an old dog. Candy’s dog is described Steinbeck uses quite a few techniques in the book. Some of the techniques include allegories and foreshadowing. The best example of an allegory in this book is when Lennie kills the innocent mouse, Candy’s dog is killed and then right at the end of the book Lennie is killed. This also foreshadowed what was going to happen to Lennie as he used to follow George around ‘like a dog’. When Candy had no use of his dog; he decided to dispose of him. This just like what George did to Lennie. How to cite Of Mice and Men Controlled Assessment Draft, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Surf Up at Patagonia Essay Example

Surf Up at Patagonia Essay Surf’s Up at Patagonia. Question 1) Patagonia stresses the importance of hiring employees with passion- a passion for anything, not just sports. Why do they place such importance on passion? Why would they think that someone with a passion for something unrelated to sports (i. e. cooking) might be an excellent employee for their company? Answer. HRM department of any firm would desire the best employees while recruiting. It is because money and most importantly time is used up in training them. So the main objectives would be to hire very efficient and loyal employees. Efficient and motivated workers would also mean Labor Turnover at its minimum. Through these techniques a firm can save up huge chunk of money which can be invested elsewhere. Patagonia uses a very modern technique for recruiting its employees. A passion for anything would mean that employees would also have passion to do their job. Patagonia sells sports equipments and obviously sports resemble passion. As Patagonia is ‘a firm with passion,’ they also want their employees to be passionate towards anything. So that they can understand the importance of passion on work. This passion will lead to higher efficiency and well motivated workforce. Sincerity towards work will automatically increase and there will be lower labor turnover and absenteeism rate. Highly motivated workforce would also mean greater customer relationship and production of high quality goods. From these it can e derived that Patagonia is the ultimate gainer. Question 2) What effect do Patagonia’s practices of providing child-care and donating to environmental groups have upon employee productivity and retention? Why? Answer . Patagonia has this amazing child care facility which is ‘onsite daycare. Single parent employee’s children can stay at their sight. This will make the employees more secured about their children while at work. Thus, this will create a homely atmosphere for the working parents and will help them to concentrate more on work rather than worrying about their children. More concentration would mean more efficient workforce and high dedication t owards work. If the firm is more ethically responsible then the employees will feel proud to work at the firm. Patagonia shares a vast corporate social responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Surf Up at Patagonia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Surf Up at Patagonia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Surf Up at Patagonia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Moreover, the employees can also choose where to donate money and where not. Sense of achievement will work upon the employees while selecting donating groups. The employees will also feel ethically responsible. This proudness for the firm will lead them to be more devoted towards their managers and Patagonia. And this devotion will obviously be reflected on their work, they will me more efficient and careful. By both ways the employees at Patagonia will become more efficient and thus there will be minimum wastage of resources and maximized profit for Patagonia. Question 3) Can you see possible abuses of a flextime program? What does a company do to prevent such abuses before they occur? Answer. Flextime is a facility a firm provides to its employees. Employees can choose their desired holidays and also working hours. It’s a key to help employees with the fixed universal working hours. Flextime is designed, especially in Patagonia, so that an employee can proactively maintain work-life balance. Now, there are also some fallbacks of flextime hours which can stated as follows: Efficiency of work may decrease due to reluctance to work during business hours. Employees may take the job too easily and might later face a haphazard situation, for example, time management. And this is how quality of work may decrease. The situation mentioned earlier may also spoil the business environment. Employees may work whenever they want to and code of conduct can be disobeyed. Employees may lie to the managers to enjoy facilities. By seeing an employee taking a time off may also tempt other employees also to take a break. In this way key employees might not be near hand when required urgently. t may also result in an decreased concentration towards work and spirit of teamwork as employees and working hours het divided. To prevent these types of lags a company may take the following measures: Hiring strong management group can stop mismanagement amongst workers. Check and survey back ground and other information on employees to see who actually needs flextime and to avoid miss use of facility. Measured flextime should be permitted to each employee and t here should be a rule that how many workers can take some time off at a particular period. Providing facilities like onsite child care may reduce the usage of flextime.