Monday, December 23, 2019

The Evolution of The Database Essay example - 847 Words

Intro People have been collecting information since the dawn of recorded history. Very shortly after we started recording we ran in to the problem of storage. Where do we put all of this information? We soon developed written languages so we could store our collected information. The next problem to arise was retrieval of our stored information. This led to the development of systems like the dewy decimal system. Organizing books by subject and author made information retrieval a little easier. However, it was computer that revolutionized information storage and retrieval. Thus the first databases where born. Flat File Flat file databases where the first of many database models, almost as old as the computer. Flat file databases†¦show more content†¦The network model allowed child tables to have more than one parent. This allowed for â€Å"many-to-many† connections and the creation of associative tables. Associative tables exist to support â€Å"many-to-many† relationships by being the recipient of two or more â€Å"one-to-many† relationships. The introduction of these different types of relationships was a huge leap forward in database design. However, the network model still suffered one of the flaws of its predecessors. Skilled programmers, to setup and operate the database, were still needed. Relational The relational database model is the current standard in data origination and retrieval. Like the network model relational databases connect tables by relationships. Associative tables are still used to express â€Å"many-to-many† relationships. There are two big changes in the relational model compared to the network model. The First big change is the use of logical pointers to show relationships. The network model used physical pointers to record relationships. These new pointers are called foreign keys. Each table in a database has a primary key field. This primary key is a unique identifier for each record in that table. When a â€Å"one-to-many† relationship is created, in a relational database, the parent table replicates its primary key as a foreign key in the child table. Associative tables will have many foreign keys, one for eachShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution of Databases596 Words   |  2 PagesDatabase: Throughout the history of information, human beings have shifted seemingly rapidly from the oral storytelling tradition, to manuscripts then printed books, filing systems, and databases. As part of the shift from paper-based to web-based, databases were developed and established to help in dealing with the problems associated with file-oriented systems. 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